BI requested that Rita Sklar, Director of ACLU-Arkansas, who spear-headed the 6-year fight (with a victory last year in the Arkansas Supreme Court) to overturn the ban on gay foster parents, to provide a clear and concise message that can be conveyed to our Senators (and Representatives if it goes to the House). Here is what she provided me. Feel free to use or modify at your own discretion.
Tell the Arkansas Legislature: Vote No on SB 959
SB 959, a measure that seeks to ban gay people and most unmarried heterosexual couples who live together from adopting or serving as foster parents, was introduced in the Arkansas Senate on Monday. This measure would categorically ban lesbian and gay Arkansans from adopting or serving as foster parents, even if they’re relatives of the children in question. It would also ban unmarried heterosexual couples who live together unless they’re related to the child, which could prevent godparents or family friends from caring for a child if the parents die or can’t keep the child.
Ask your legislator to vote NO on SB 959. If you are a foster child, adopted child, an adoptive or foster parent, or family that would be affected by this law, please share your story.
The bill is scheduled to be heard before the Senate Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee. The committee may hear the bill tomorrow - Wed. March 7 at 10:00. If they do not hear the bill tomorrow, they will likely hear it next week. Interested persons should contact:
* the committee members
* their own state senators, and
* the Governor's office
The main message to get across is to "Vote NO on SB959."
All Arkansas Senators may be left a telephone message at: 501-682-2902.
The telephone number for Governor Mike Beebe is: 501-682-2345
Members of the Senate Public Health Committe include:
Chair Jack Critcher: <> Vice Chair Tracy Steele: <> Senator Percy Malone: <> Senator Hank Wilkins IV: <> Senator Barbara Horn: <> Senator Randy Laverty: no email listed Senator Bill Pritchard: <> Senator Jack Crumbly: no email listed
Talking Points
* The state of Arkansas doesn’t have enough foster and adoptive homes available for children awaiting placement. Limiting the pool of potential parents through a blanket restriction like SB 959 would create would only mean that even more children go without good homes.
* Child welfare experts agree that all potential foster or adoptive parents should be subjected to the same individual screening process to determine their ability to provide a safe, stable, nurturing homes for children.
* All of the major Arkansas and national groups dedicated to children’s health and welfare oppose blanket restrictions on parenting by lesbians and gay men.
Dear [ Decision Maker ],
As your constituent, I urge you to vote no on SB 959, which is currently in the Arkansas Senate.
Although this legislation purports to “protect” the children of Arkansas, instead it would hurt the many children in need of adoptive and foster homes in Arkansas. It would tie the hands of caseworkers and prevent them from making the placements they deem best for some children.
25 years of research on lesbian and gay parents and their children shows that gay people are just as capable of being good parents as heterosexuals and the children raised by gay parents are just as well-adjusted. Not a single study has found any harm to children from being raised by gay parents.
All of the major Arkansas groups dedicated to children's health and welfare -- Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, the Arkansas Psychological Association and the Arkansas chapter of the National Association of Social Workers -- recognize that gay people can be equally good parents and, thus, oppose restrictions on parenting by lesbians and gay men. All of the national children's health and welfare groups agree too, including the American Academy of Pediatricians, the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the Child Welfare League of America.
The Arkansas Supreme Court has already struck down a ban on fostering by gay people, saying that it served no child welfare purpose. Arkansas already individually screens every prospective foster parent through a criminal records check, health screening, and a home study. Anyone, gay or straight, that the state finds unfit to parent is already excluded. This bill is nothing but an attempt to get around the court’s ruling at the expense of children who need homes.
[Your name]
[Your address]
For more information, please feel free to contact us, as well as visit our website at <> for updated information.