Saturday, August 18, 2007

Starting the ball rolling

After taking some time off away from Pride activities, I am ready to start fresh planning for Capital Pride '08. Honestly, I wasn't sure that we would have enough people interested in serving on our board to meet quorom, but- I am proud to announce- we do have enough folks to toss their name in the hat and we should be scheduling our big annual meeting/board elections. The meeting will probably be held around the second week of September, if we can coordinate with everyone's schedule. I truly believe that we learned so much last year that we can build on that this year won't be such a struggle. My hope is that we can get enough input from the community to fashion an event that meets their wants/needs. It can be frustrating sometimes when, after months of planning, you hear criticisms about the decisions made when you don't get that insight during the planning stage. Either way, we will do our best and if we can sustain the type of growth that we saw last year, then we will be very successful. If we use the InterPride theme again this year then it will be......"Live.Love.Be."


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