Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm back!

After a very long posting hiatus, I am back to the blogoshere. June was a very exciting Pride month for me as I attended Capital Pride in Little Rock; attended the Coming Together as One Gala in Fayetteville; Mid-South Pride in Memphis; celebrated Pride week at local bars; Conway Pride and NWA Pride in Fayetteville. It was a lot of fun, but I hope everyone can understand why I needed a month to recover :) I have also been seeing someone for the past month and have been spending most of my free time with him.

That being said, it is now time to jump back in the saddle and get the ball rolling for next year. We should have already had board elections in July, so we are a bit behind schedule already. Truth be told, we still need some new folks to step up and join our board. We have sent announcements for those interested in serving, however we still need at least one more person to have the required number of board members. I am also concerned with the diversity of our board as it is mostly gay white men that have expressed interest. Hopefully we will have more minority participation and women volunteer soon. If anyone is interested, they can email me at joe@lrcpride.org .

I hope to be blogging much more in the future and keeping everyone up-to-date on events and activities. I encourage everyone to get involved and help make a difference in your community.


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