InterPride 2006 ROCKED
I had the distinct privilege to attend the World Conference for InterPride and can not express how truly incredible the event was. I met the most amazing people, attended many informative workshops, got the chance to pick the brains of the leading Pride organizers from all of the world, was entertained by very talented singers and comedians, was able to help promote Little Rock Capital Pride, learned the ins-and-outs of the organization, was able to contribute to the policy decisions, ate some great food and even found time to do a little partying (OK, a good bit of partying :-) I am still reeling from the sheer intensity of the experience. I made some great friends that I can not wait to see again and again. Next up is the Prides of the SouthEast (POSE) conference hosted by our friends in Columbia, South Carolina February 16th-18th.