Friday, October 06, 2006

Back home

I got back to Arkansas last night from my trip to Atlanta. Whew, am I tired! I left Tuesday, drove all night, spent 8 hours doing healthcare stuff, had lunch with my wonderful ex,
Richard, cleaned out my storage unit, spent the night at my friend Greg's house, got up, drove back to Arkansas and unloaded all of my stuff. Can you say, "SHOT OUT"?!?! Now our little place is even more cluttered than before and we have to find "someplace" to put all of this stuff. Luckily the neighborhood I live in is having a community yard sale in the morning, so I am hoping to off-load a fair amount of stuff and score a few much-needed bucks to boot. I also have our monthly meeting of LRCP at 3:00 tomorrow, so I am looking forward to some down-time on Sunday.


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