Suck this!

NOT THIS......

In keeping with my New Year's Resolution, I am trying to quit smoking (AGAIN!). This time it's for good. Big thanks to my good friends, Michael & Eric, for supplying me with my Nictorol inhalers. So, for the next month I will be puffing on a hard plastic dispenser to wean me off of my addiction to cigarettes. Wish me luck----and be nice to me, for gosh sake's!
You can do it buddy. It's day 5 for me. Of course I had only restarted recently. :) Good luck. :)
Go Joe! You can do's tough, but set your mind to not giving in and stand strong. If you think you have to have one, go for a brisk walk outside for 15 minutes or so and see if the urge doesn't pass.
You go Joe! Happy New breathing!
Congratulations Joe! Quiting smoking is one of the best things a person can do for their overall health. Not to mention that it will save bundles of money!
Keep up the good work and if you fall off the wagon, just get right back up on it again. The important thing is to keep at it.
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