Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Posting hiatus

Sorry that I haven’t posted for some time, but much has been going on and I haven’t had the time or focus. I went to Atlanta on the 6th and had a great time celebrating my exes birthdays (both Frank and Richard had b-days in November—what is it about those Scorpios?). I had lunch with Richard and Frank flew back in from NYC and we had dinner and drinks with my friend Brian. I also had the chance to pop into the Atlanta Pride Committee office and visit with Jennifer, Trisha and Donna. Let me tell you that these ladies have it going on! I can not begin to tell you how supportive APC has been towards me and LRCP---they truly are invested in helping us get organized and are always willing to take the time to help in whatever way they can. They are my mentors and I am truly blessed to know them.

Shortly after returning back to Arkansas, I was invited over to David and Chad’s house where I had a bomb dropped on me--- David had taken a new job and was going to have to step down as President. To make a long story short, I have been elected the new President of Little Rock Capital Pride (to see the full story visit LittleRockPride.com ) I am going to ask for everyone’s support during this transition and want to be clear that our group is very dedicated to the success of our event and organization. We are making strides in our planning and truly reaching out to the greater community for their input and support.


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you will make a fantstic President. you have the attitude and determination to make it fantastic. ;0

At 6:01 PM, Blogger p.alan said...

Congrats new Mr. President! You'll do a great job.


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