NY's Bravest (and SEXIEST!)

Yesterday I got my Christmas present in the mail from Richard--- The FDNY Calendar of Heroes! My ex knows me all too well. Except for last year when he gave me the box set of the original Wonder Woman television series (LOVED IT!), the calendar has become his traditional gift to me. This has become one of my all-time favorite holiday traditions :) I am a big fan of FDNY and I love to know that my oogling of their shirtless members is actually benefitting such a noble cause. These fine men (in more ways than one) risk their personal safety on a daily basis and no one can forget their heroism and loss on 9/11. You can order your own calendar at http://firezone.stores.yahoo.net/ . (blogger note: the above photograph is copyrighted by Cary Hazelgrove and FDNY Foundation, so don't turn me in!)
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